đź“ť The First Post: To Answer Why

đź“ť The First Post: To Answer Why

Everything starts with a single idea.

Ideas are the sparks for our actions to change and grow.

Great ideas are priceless, maybe the most valuable asset we have today.

The purpose of this blog is simple: to improve my relationship with ideas on four dimensions:

1) To develop ideas by understanding how to create and refine ideas into something greater
2) To communicate ideas better by learning how to write effectively
3) To share ideas by channeling the best ideas from experienced, successful people
4) And to collect ideas by recording them in a blog

Develop ideas 🧠

During university I had to write essays and other painful assignments. This is what I realised. The first ideas or drafts that come to your mind are massively different from the ones that are submitted in the end.


Because they evolved. They are polished, cut, cleaned after multiple reiterations from a chaotic initial thought we get a fine-tuned, valuable idea. And as with every evolution, it comes with the pain of change, however, the final result is worth it.

This evolution is not a spontaneous process though. I don’t believe that great ideas are coming from a dream from one day to the other. This re-iterative process is a skill and like every skill, the more you do it, the faster and better you become. But most importantly, the more comfortable with the art of generating ideas. So why not start to improve this skill by starting a blog?

And that’s my 1st reason. To learn how to develop ideas.

Communicate ideas 🙊

Communication has always been an essential skill in human history, just think about Aristotle or the cave drawings. The value of communication has not changed in the 21st century. You can give a TED talk well. You can sell well. You can take a photo or edit a video well. You can create beautiful Powerpoint presentations. There are multiple dimensions.

One of these dimensions is writing. You can write text messages. WhatsApp messages. E-mails. Instagram captions. YouTube comments. Reddit Posts. Instagram Bios. Articles. Business reports. Books. Or blog posts. All different sides of effective written communication.

While I don’t think of myself as a bad communicator, I’ve never been satisfied with my writing skills, which leads to my 2nd reason. To improve my writing communication skills.

Share ideas đź’»

Great ideas are some of the most valuable assets we have today.

Ideas are essential to create value and make the world a better place, whether it’s research, business, and any other field. Therefore, it is everyone’s interest to spread the greatest ideas and develop them further collectively.

Now it would be an outrageously arrogant thing to say that I have the best ideas and I want to share them. Far from it. However, I would like to act like a channel. My goal is to collect inputs and ideas from people who are more experienced and reinterpret them to help others understand by offering another point of view.

And that’s my 3rd reason. To share the most powerful ideas with more people by offering a different lens.

Collect ideas đź“š

Have you ever went to the shop with a list in your head and forgot one item? Is it just me?

Human memory is despicably bad. Maybe I shouldn’t generalise, but I can definitely speak for my own. Why would I risk forgetting ideas if I cannot even remember to buy mozzarella on Fridays?

This blog offers a platform to collect ideas in one place. Like a shopping list but a little more detailed. Collecting these ideas at one place offers the opportunity to look at them from the top, like a bird-eye view. Often ideas are linked, however seeing the relationships between them is difficult to do. Maybe taking a higher-lever view will bring clarity to this chaotic bunch of ideas.

And who knows, maybe one day these ideas can lead to the birth of a book or a Netflix series…

Anyway, that’s my 4th reason. To collect these ideas in a structured manner.